Monday, September 30, 2013

Conference Sign Up

 You should have received a note home on Thursday telling you how to sign up for conferences online.  Truman is trying to "go green" and do this electronically .  If you are NOT able to access the internet you may send the form back to me and I will do it for you.  I cannot guarranty the times that you picked since I am unaware of the avaliable times until I log in and see what times are left.

The Truman Trot was a great success! The school raised more than $6,100 to use towards technology in the classrooms.  Thank you to all the volunteers and businesses that donated their time and materials to make this day fun for the kids!

This week we will begin two weeks of heavy testing.  The children will begin the Iowa Core math assessment this week and take the unit 2 patterns test.  Next week the children will be taking the reading assessment and the writing assessment.  PLEASE have your children here at school and on time so they are not getting behind on these tests.

This week in reading we are working on inferences and character traits.  Children will be asked guided questions that will require them to infere about what they have read to answer the question.  This is a skill we will continue next week as well.

In writing we are working on writing an opinion piece.  I hope to have those sent home by Friday. Please take a minute to read those with your child. They will be putting a lot of time into them.  We are also continuing to work on non-fiction summaries.

In math we are working on patterns in numbers and some of us are continuing to work on learning multiplicaiton facts.

In science the children are working on doing scratch tests to gain clues as to the hardness of the rock/mineral. They will use this information to identify the rocks/minerals.

Tenement houses are due this Friday.  They will be displayed in the glass case in front of the school.  This week we will be learning more about Teddy Roosevelt and how his Presidency is important in the Progressive Era.

Mrs. Smith is taking over more and more of the teaching. Next week she will be in charge of the entire morning.