Monday, September 22, 2014

Reading Fluency

Last week I learned that the Department of Education has changed the reading fluency requirement for children in the 4th grade.  Children are not required to read 127 correct words per minute.  By the end of the year they should be able to read 156 correct words per minute.  This is dramatically higher than what we first reported to you.  It is vital that EVERY child practice their Comprehension Tidbits and read aloud so that all kids can meet this fluency goal.  Please have your child practice their Tidbits until they read at least 127 correct words per minute.  If they still haven't met that goal by Friday you should still return their book so that I can see their progress.  Please record every attempt in their book.
This week we will start the district math assessment. This is a long test so we will be doing a page a day.  Please make sure that your child is at school for this test.
This week is also our Wellness Week.  Our activities are as follows:
Monday - Dance Break
Tuesday - 5th grade has the Jon Cushing run and we cheer
Wednesday - Healthy snack donated by Hy-Vee
Thursday - Buddy activity in PE and Art
Friday - Tiger Trot

Monday, September 8, 2014

Parent Information Night and the Truman Tiger Trot

   Please remember that this Thursday, September 11th is our Parent Information Night.  There will be 3 sessions with the same information presented as each session. The sessions are 5:00 - 5:30, 5:30 - 6:00, and 6:00 - 6:30.  These sessions will give you a chance to hear about the 4th grade expectations, grading, and policies.  This is also a great time to ask any questions that you may have.  This is for parents.

We have just finished up the district Reading Performance Assessment. This is where your child has to watch a video clip and read two articles.  While they do this they are taking notes.  Then your child has to pick a side to write about and support. Our topic was if school or home lunches were healthier.
I hope to begin writing a personal  narrative piece this week.  Children will be going through the writing process and typing and illustrating their work.  My goal is that each child have a book of their writing selections for the year to take home with them.

In math we continue to work on multiplication and are now adding in some division. We will be taking the unit one math test early next week.  I have started "Rocket Math" with the kids in class. This is a leveled multiplication test.  We have also begun the "Five Minute Club" which helps the kids with all their basic math facts.  It would really help your child if they were to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts at home.  There are many great links on the Truman Website for the kids to do that.

We are finishing up the Social Studies unit called "What is History?" and will begin the Progressive Era after that. This is an interesting time to learn about for the children.

In Science they children are making predications about items in a test bag and which ones are magnetic and which ones are not.

If I don't have an email address for you it would be helpful if you could send it in to me. I email test results and will have an update later this week.

PTO will be holding a walk-a-thon, the Tiger Trot, once again as our fundraiser.  It will be held on Friday, September 26th.  Your child will be bringing more information home today.

Book orders are due Friday, Sept. 12th

Friday, Sept. 12th is our first Truman Celebration. We will be spending that time with our second grade buddy class, Mrs. Haring's class.  We will be eating our treats and playing a get to know you game.  As of now we only have the unhealthy treat signed up for and paper products.  If you are able to bring in a healthy snack or water please let me know.

Our class ticket goal is 1000 tickets. The children voted to earn an electronics reward. We currently have earned 588 tickets towards that reward.

After this blog, I will not be printing these updates. We are working very hard at Truman School to "go green." Please become a follower of this blog so you can stay up to date on the events.