Thursday, February 4, 2016

Conferences, Glow Dance, and Illness

Conference night begins tonight at 4:00.  I will also be holding conferences on Tuesday, Feb. 9th.  A hard copy of the conference schedule was sent home last week.  Please be sure to attend your child's conference so that we can celebrate all of the wonderful growth that he/she has made.

The Truman Glow Dance is Friday, February 5 from 6-8p.m. Information was sent home Friday regarding this event. Pizza, pop, water, dessert for $2 will be available. Please bring a canned food or nonperishable food item for admission. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Desserts are needed and if you are able to bring 2 dozen individually wrapped desserts, they can be dropped off at school on Friday.

Our room is doing a lot of sniffling, coughing, and sneezing!  We continue to Lysol our desks and wash our hands.  Please help your child stay healthy but getting them to bed at a decent time and having them wear warm clothes to school. (especially for recess)

Thursday, February 4:  Conferences 4-8
Friday, February 5:  Pride Day, Truman Glow Dance 6-8pm
Tuesday, February 9:  Conferences 4-8
Wednesday, February 10:  1:30 Early Dismissal
Friday, February 12:  Valentine Party 3:00-3:30
Friday, February 26:  No School
March 1-March 11:  Iowa Assessments (Please try not to schedule appointments during this time.)
Friday, March 4:  Pride Day