Friday, May 1, 2015

May Happenings

It is hard to believe that we are closing in on the end of the year!  This is the time of the year that things get crazy!
Below are the activities that I know of. Please write these on your calendar and check it often.  There are many activities that the kids will need specific things for.

May 4th - NO SPELLING this week due to testing and fishing. We will be doing the state FAST testing. Please make sure your child is at school on time.

May 6th - Fishing in the afternoon.  NO sandals allowed.  Children will need a sack lunch.  Kids must wear jeans on this trip. Rain date will be May 13th.

May 8th - No School

May 10 - Planet X fundraiser

Week of May 11th - Math testing and ELA testing. Please make sure that your child is at school on time.
Dental Sealants are this week.

May 12th - Kernels Reading Program assembly and Truman Night at the ball park.

May 13th - Taft band coming to perform

May 20th - Early dismissal

May 21st - PTO meeting

May 25th - No school

May 29th - Award Assembly

June 5 - last day of school

Please check back regularly to keep updated on the events.  We will be having a park day the last week of school.