Thursday, October 25, 2012

News, News, News

There are many updates that I have to give to you.  Please mark these on your calendars so that you can remember them.
   The Halloween party will be held on Wed., Oct. 31st.  The party will begin at 2:35 and the parade will begin around 3:05.  This is different than most years, having the party first and the parade second.
Please remember that your child may dress up in an APPROPRIATE costume.  There will NOT be time for your child to put on any Halloween make up of any kind! Please remember that the costumes may not have any type of weapons with them.  The children will not have much time to change so please make sure that their costumes are easy to put on.  It may be a good idea to label your child's costume with their name as well.  You are free to take your child home after the parade as long as you tell me first and check them out in the main office.
     Conference times will be sent home today. Please write your conference time down on the calendar since our time is limited to 20 minutes. If we find that we need additional time to talk I will reschedule an additional time for us to meet so that I can stay on schedule.  Your child's report card will be sent home Nov. 5th in their red folder.
     Tomorrow we will be celebrating the end of our SS unit by watching the move The Newsies.   The movie theater has graciously donated popcorn for the kids to eat. Children may bring in a drink to have during the movie. They may also bring in a snack to share with the class if they want. If your child cannot eat popcorn they may bring in an alternate snack.
     Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  There will be several special activities happening during the week.  I have listed them below:
Monday - Red Ribbon Day - Wear your red ribbons (provided by the school) to signify your belief in a drug free life.
Tuesday - Black and orange day - doing fun and healthy activities with friends.
Wednesday - Costume Day - wearing your costume at the party to signify that drugs cannot be disguised. They are dangerous.
Thursday - Backwards day - wear your shirt backwards to signify that you are turning your back on drugs.
Friday - Hat day- Hats off to a drug free life.
     Please continue to have your child practice learning their states, capitals, and abbreviations of the U.S.  A trimester test was given and many children were not proficient on the NE region states.
    Our class continues to work on homework completion.  This is an area that is concerning to me.  Children need to learn to be responsible for their learning and their assignements.
     As the weather grows colder I am looking for items that can be used for arts and crafts for indoor recess.  Some favorites are beads, buttons, foam, lanyard string, coloring books, and glitter.